Thursday 4 October 2012

Ayurveda - Dealing With Varicose Vein Causes

Ayurveda - Dealing With Varicose Vein Causes

Varicose veins causes according to ayurveda

Varicose veins could be observed on the leg. The valves of these veins become ineffective and hence, these veins are not able to supply blood to heart. Once you are aware of the varicose veins causes, you could deal with the problem effectively.

Symptoms of varicosity

Those who are suffering from varicose veins experience extreme pain while walking or standing. Ulcers occur if the patient continuously itch or scratch the veins.  Varicose veins look awfully bad.

Various treatments are introduced to deal with the problems. Ayurvedic treatments have always shown best results.

You must eat proper food items to deal with this problem

Ayurveda advices the patient to concentrate on good diet, which could include amla, citrus fruits, millets, wheat, ginger, garlic, onion, bromelain, pineapple, fish and many other such items.

Ayurveda advices the patients with this problem to avoid consumption of red meat, the ayurvedic treatment helps an individual in acquiring strength and ability to walk. Many modern medicines are failing, when compared to these herbal treatments.

Ayurvedic remedies for fighting varicosity

According to ayurveda, the blood would start circulating in the legs if you would take hot and cold baths alternatively. You can perform any aerobic exercise or yoga against varicosity. Exercises would keep the muscles tone. You could join swimming lessons as it is an excellent therapy for legs.

It is important to know the varicose vein causes before dealing with the disorder.

Other advises by ayurvedic experts

You could sit on a rocking chair, as it would help to promote blood circulation.

Beautiful facts about bhasma – wonderful herb

Bhasma is an outstanding source of minerals and zinc. It generates vitamin E in the blood.

Ayurvedic experts recommend chandraprabha vati, nagarjunabhra rasa and punarnavadi guggulu. These herbs are proved to be helpful for fighting against varicose veins. Millions of people prefer these ayurvedic medicines over others.

Ayurvedic oils – treats this disease effectively

Many ayurvedic oils are available in the market, which provides immense relief. Some of them could be prasaini taila and chandanabala taila. These oils could be gently applied on legs.

Perform yogic exercises to cure varicosity

Some of the great yogic exercises could be halasana, pawanmuktasana, sarvangasana and others. These postures could relax the veins and would prevent varicosity.

Apply mud pack on legs

There are many home remedies available to treat this problem. You could drink spinach and carrot juice on daily basis to promote strength to veins. Application of mud pack on the legs would soothe the veins.

Eat leafy vegetables

You could include apple, pear, green leafy vegetables, and whole meal bread in your diet. Drinking at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per everyday could be helpful in dealing with varicosity or such disorders. You need to avoid salt, pepper and sauces if suffering from this disorder.

You can consume garlic on daily basis to prevent varicosity. The nutrients present in garlic results in breakage of clotted protein and further distribute it in every body part. This reduces the chance of varicosity in legs.

  For more details visit :

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