Saturday 6 October 2012

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments Are Safe To Cure Varicose Veins In Legs

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments Are Safe To Cure Varicose Veins In Legs
Abnormal leg veins that are swollen, twisted, painful, filled with an abnormal collection of blood, have bluish or dark purple appearances are better known as varicose veins in legs. Varicose Veins can appear anywhere in human body, but generally it appears in legs and women are more affected than men. Common causes of Varicose Veins are pregnancy, heredity, prolonged standing, injury to the legs, sedentary lifestyle, etc.
Heath care industry has discovered various treatment methods to get rid of Varicose Veins such as surgical method and non-surgical method. Traditional open surgery involves huge risk of side effects such as swelling, occurrence of brown staining, permanent appearance of scars, long lasting pain, nerves injuries, permanent patches, etc. Generally, surgical method to remove Varicose Veins are expensive and beyond the reach of general people.
In contrast to surgical method, non-surgical methods such as home made therapy, use of Ayurvedic Herbs, homeopathy, exercise, essential oils, proper diet and others are, painless, safe, efficient and cost effective way of treating varicose veins in legs naturally at home.  

Home therapy to cure Varicose Veins:
Intake of fiber foods help to improve varicose veins. Fiber prevents the buildup of toxins in the blood and keeps it flowing regularly in the veins. Instead of pooling blood, veins slowly start to pump blood towards heart. Food that is high in fiber such as red beets, spinach, beans, carrots, whole grains are very good to cure varicose veins in legs.
Daily dose of vitamin C, E and Flavanoids are vital for the treatment of varicose veins. Sometimes free radicals cause damage to veins. Therefore, food that are rich in Flavanoids such as onions, grapes, spinach, cherries, blueberries, dark chocolate, reduce free radicals and help to improve varicose veins.
Foods such as nuts, spinach, broccoli, vegetable oils, wheat, peppers, mustard greens and others are rich in vitamin E and foods such as hot chili peppers, guavas, bell peppers, fresh herbs oranges, papayas and others are rich in vitamin C.   
Massage with rosemary oil is effective way to cure varicose veins. Mixture of carrier oil and rosemary oils can be applied to the affected legs to improve varicose veins. Other oils such as cypress, lemon, neroli, lavender, chamomiles are good to improve varicose veins. Even applying vitamin E oil to the affected area can heal varicose veins. Also, apple cider vinegar is very good for affected legs.
You can avoid potatoes, condiments, coffee, strong tea, starchy foods, white flour products, alcohol, smoking and white sugar if you are suffering from Varicose Veins. 

Ayurvedic Herbs to cure Varicose Veins:
Ayurvedic Herbs like Onion, Guggul, and Ginger are excellent herbs that develop blood circulation and lessen inflammation. Other Ayurvedic Herbs that are good to improve varicose veins in legs are Rosehip, ginseng, yarrow, tea tree, ginko biloba, linden flowers, bilberry, capsicum, Echinacea, hawthorn and horse chestnut. These are good to improve blood circulation and heal Varicose Veins. Ayurvedic treatments are known for no side effects, natural and cost effective way to cure any disease. For more details visit :

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