Friday 28 September 2012

Anti-Ageing Ayurveda Foods and Herbs

Anti-Aging Ayurveda Foods and Herbs

Everyone yearns to feel and look and young for as long as they possibly can. The secret to this lies in the right choice of anti-aging food, Ayurveda supplements and some basic exercises. Anti-aging also means maintaining a correct balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in proper proportions. The imbalance of these three main ingredients in our system hastens the aging process. Let’s discuss ways and means to maintain a perfect balance and retard the process of aging.

How is Aging Triggered

Many a time we are forced into situations where we are not able to have the type of food that we want to have. While on official tours or vacations we are forced to deviate from our diet regime. This triggers the process of imbalance in our body. In our quest to correct the imbalance thus created, we look for ways and means to correct same. Anti-aging foods and herbs come to our aid at this juncture.  Add to this some routine anti-aging yoga exercises and you are on course.

Select the Best Food to Remain Youthful

Selection of the right food and Ayurveda formulas is very crucial to retard aging and remain youthful with maximum vigor. Amla is known to be one of the best food known to have abundance of vitamin c and known to have amazing rejuvenating powers and . It is the best among anti-aging foods. It also helps in enhancing red blood cells, reduces long-sightedness and helps regain lost energy and enthusiasm.

Another wonder drug is Shilajeet.  It is common knowledge that at some point of time our immune system breaks down and we fall prey to ailments. Shilajeet is known to enhance our immune system at all time. It is also known to be a powerful antioxidant and one of the best rejuvenators.  It is also considered as a vitamin and mineral supplement to our body.

Fruits to Keep You Young

Fruits are an important ingredient of our meal or snack in the course of the day.
Fruits like Apricots, Avocados, Bananas, figs, grapes, and tomatoes should for apart of your daily diet since they all contain properties which help you to anti-age in one way or the other. They are known to help you fight against certain diseases while others help in enhancing the immune system.

Vegetables to Stop You from Aging

Chinese cabbage (Bok Choy), an anti-estrogen the best for guarding against breast cancer has to be an anti-aging food ingredient. Broccoli, garlic, best known against viruses and bacteria, Spinach, flush with carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin is known to retard aging of the muscles.

 Grains and Other Food to Keep You from Ageing

Choose the right grains yoghurt and beans that retards aging. Properly planned anti-aging food should consist of rich in fiber and protein, peanuts and almonds, known to have unsaturated good fat, wheat germ rich in magnesium while Yoghurt known to have loads of calcium. Yoghurt when added to your fruits forms an excellent anti-aging food. Mere selection of from the foods mentioned above and some Ayurveda supplements will help you stay young for long. 

For more details visit :

Anti Aging Treatments Helps In Refreshing Mind And Body

Anti Aging Treatments Helps In Refreshing Mind And Body
Each and every one in this universe wants to see themselves as young as possible. Aging is a natural process in everyone’s life and it is unavoidable, but can be postponed. Nowadays, lots of people show the early signs of aging. The main cause or reason for aging is the excessive calorie consumption, life style of the concerned etc,
Aging happens due to internal factors like low production of new skin cells, low production of elastin, incapability of the skin to retain moisture and external factors like extended exposure to sun or to extreme chillness, stress, poor diet, smoking, less or no physical activities etc. This can be treated using Ayurveda, which is very much reliable and provides guaranteed results.

Ayurveda says anti aging is caused due to the annoyance of vata dosha, which increases with age by nature. 

Anti aging treatments using Ayurveda helps one to achieve a complete result in the change of body metabolism and gives a refreshing feel to the body and mind. Aging can be avoided with our way of living and our habits, which were followed by our ancestors and the rest is a history.

The following are the simple process for anti aging treatments with the help of Ayurveda:
·         Early rise from bed and make sure sufficient proteins are consumed.
·         Do participate in sports and use additional anti-oxidant elements to support your body.
·         Eat the right quantity of food at regular intervals, which keeps the body healthy.
·         Avoid eating excessive sweets.
·         Have low calorie dairy products like skimmed milk & low fat milk,
·         Avoid surplus ghee and oil for cooking
·         Avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils.
·         Fried items to be kept away instead grill or bake the food items.
·         Use vegetables, which are cooked by steaming or boiling.
·         Have undisturbed sleep of minimum 6 to 7 hours at night to maintain a good health.
·         Avoid sleeping at day time instead sleep at night after an hour of your dinner.
·         Consumption of excessive alcoholic drinks and smoking has to be avoided.
·         Avoiding water and aerated drinks after a meal helps to have a good health.
·         Reasonable quantities of Non – vegetarian foods like eggs, fishes, chicken and mutton can be taken if it is difficult to avoid.

·         Anti aging treatments with the help of yoga, meditation, massages, oral medication, relaxation practices, physical activities etc can be followed.
·         Panchakarma treatments and rasayana therapies can be availed from a good Ayurvedic centre.
There are some home remedies for the treatment of anti aging.
·         Tulasi (Basil herb or ocimum sanctum) is rich in anti aging and anti oxidant elements, which make this a traditional ayurvedic medicine. Fresh Tulasi leaves (Basil herb or ocimum sanctum) have to be boiled with water until the water reduces by half. Drink the water after boiling, which is a good home remedy for anti aging.
·         Rejuvenate the skin with the application of fresh aloe Vera gel to the skin.
·         Have good sleep and avoid sleeping sideways, which causes formation of wr
inkles on cheeks and chin.

For more details visit : 

Anti Aging Supplements For Men And Women

Anti Aging Supplements For Men And Women

Anti Aging supplements help in avoidance and reversal of diseases, which are age related. This does not mean that it is similar to dealing with the process of aging and a range of strategies and remedial measures, which are currently available in plenty in the market.

Remedial Procedure for Anti Aging Supplements for Men:
Ayuvedic anti aging supplements for men are extremely result oriented with regards to overturning the harmful effects of the aging process in ayurvedic way of healing without any kind of side effects. These supplements have the ability to enhance the reproductive body system and since these supplements are natural they do not have any side effect.
Some of the most potent herbs of Ayurveda are available in the market .These herbs are mineral-based and have their roots in the Himalayas. Some of the most powerful and instant result oriented herbal supplements are available in the market. The properties of these supplements for men are as mentioned below:
1.     Antioxidant properties: These ayurvedic supplements have incredible antioxidant properties, which are vital for shielding the man’s body from the physiological changes that occur during the aging process. Therefore, the body remains active and youthful.
2.     Reviving the nervous system: Anti aging supplements are also known for reviving the nervous system in men. These supplements basically provide regular energy to body’s nervous system. This is very important to keep the nervous system strong.
3.     Adaptability of the blood flow in the body:  These supplements help in modifying the blood flow. Also, they help in purifying the blood.
4.     Enhancement of memory: These supplements are an excellent source of enhancing the memory in men. We all know that overall mental health of men decrease with age. These supplements also prove essential to enhance the mental health of men.
5.     Improvement in immune disorders: It helps in alleviation of a lot of immune disorders by making them strong.
Remedial Procedure for Anti Aging Supplements for Women:
1.     Improves Cardiovascular Health: Anti aging supplements, which are ayurvedic and herbal are of immense help for the cardio of women. They help in strengthening the cardiovascular health of women.
2.     Elevate metabolic processes: These supplements promote the metabolic processes and helps in having a healthy metabolic system for women.
3.     Prevention of Organ deterioration: It is a well known fact that, as the aging increases the organs in women start deteriorating. Anti aging supplements helps in preventing this organ deterioration.
4.     Maintaining Body detoxification: Body detoxification plays an important part in a women’s health. These supplements play a vital role in supporting the body detoxification process.
5.     Improvement in the healing process: Body healing capability of women can be improved in a number of ways. Anti Aging supplements (especially ayurvedic) is one such way. Increase in healing capacity of the body of a women helps in keeping the body active and healthy.
6.     Curbing Abnormal Cell growth: In today’s fast paced modern world, abnormal Cell growth has become a routine. Anti aging supplements plays a vital role in curbing abnormal cell growth.For more details visit :

Anti Aging Products Beneficial For Ageing Problem

Anti Aging Products Beneficial For Ageing Problem

Anti aging products are available to help against ageing and are also used to fight against diseases and disorders. Ayurvedic treatments are there to prevent ageing in both men and women through medicinal herbs. Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicinal system used to cure the disease through massage therapies and herbal supplement. There are three doshas in our body such as vata, pitta and kapha.

Rasayana Treatment
According to ayurvedic system and culture, equilibrium has to be maintained between 3 doshas to prevent aging.  Anti-aging treatment is processed with the help of Rasayana. This treatment helps to rejuvenate the mind and body and is also used to prevent ageing aliment in our body. The methods involved in this process are Vatatapika Rasayana and Kutipraveshika Rasayana
  1. Kutipraveshika Rasayana
This treatment is given to the patients for energizing the metabolism process in our body and it is carried out for 3 to 4 months to cure the problem.
  1. Vatatapika Rasayana
This treatment is given along with our day to day activities and rejuvenates our mind and body. Herbal supplements are given to the affected persons in order to slow down the process of ageing.

Herbal treatment for anti-aging
Medicinal herbs help to keep our mind fit and also decrease the chance of ageing among old people. In this process the mind and body are energised to an optimum level and anti aging products helps to overcome this problem very easily. Following herbs are very useful in the anti-ageing process
  • Turmeric is very rich in curcumin, which is bright yellow in colour. It is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance.
  • Chinese ginger or Galangal contains oils, pungent elements and diarylheptanoids.  All these substance possess excellent antioxidant and anti-arthritic properties.
  • Amla is a rich source of vitamin C and have good revitalising powers
  • Boswellia serrata is used in the treatment of arthritis and also in skin anti aging products
  • Clove oil and its bud are very useful in the treatment of muscular pain
  • Grapes is used as an antioxidant and mainly used in the skin care
Ayurvedic properties for healthy skin
Skin is the important part to be maintained in the anti-aging process. Kapha dosha have to be balanced for metabolic mechanism and it is also co-ordinated with the hormonal reaction (pitta) and for blood circulation and nutrients vata in balance.
  • Vayasthapana is an herbal formula, which helps in the nourishment of the skin
  • Varnya is used to enhance the complexion of the skin and gives glow like effect to the face and body
  • Sandhanya herbs are used in the regenerative process and you will get effective results when you apply it daily.
  • Branropana will enhance healing ability and it is also used as a medicine in healing scars and wound
  • Twachya is used as moisturizer and it is rich in vitamin A, C and E.
  • Shothahara substance is used as an anti-inflammatory product and protects the skin against harmful allergies.
  • Twachagnivardhani herb helps to maintain the health of the skin by improving the metabolic process in our body.For more details visit :