Friday 7 September 2012

Understanding the Natural Ayurvedic Way of Asthma Treatment

Understanding the Natural Ayurvedic Way of Asthma Treatment
A severe asthma attack is caused, when the person is exposed to provocative factors or there is an infection in the upper-respiratory tract. The severity of this attack is calculated on how good your original asthma is kept in control.
An acute asthma attack can turn out to be fatal in spite of your medications. Breathing issues, which are unresponsive to any relief medications, should promptly seek the specialist doctor. A severe asthma attack can only be controlled with immediate emergency care. This state is also termed as ‘status asthmaticus.’
Signs of chronic asthma assails are:
·         The indications of insensitive asthma are constant coughing and incapability to speak complete sentences or get breathless, while walking a few steps.
·         The patient may feel a tight feel around his chest and his lips turn bluish.
·         The patient will hunch his shoulders, stand or sit to get air easily.
·         A wheezing noise will come out during exhalation.
·         The bronchial tubes linked with the lungs is narrowed because of inflammation or buildup of thick mucus in the core of bronchi, thus there is an obstruction caused in inhalation and exhalation.
·         When a patient suffers from severe asthma attack constantly then they attain a characteristic asthmatic look that is a whitish face and a thin-withered body.
What are the advantages of Ayurvedic treatment?
·         Asthma is labeled as fatal and persistent, but it can be healed if treated with Ayurvedic medicines. Asthma treatments taken at initial stages have shown successful results and the advanced, chronic cases have experienced a decrease in the force and recurrence of such attacks.
·         A patient will get great help from Ayurvedic medicines to fight the infuriating factors and thus making them less dependant on other quick-relief medications.
·         The patient’s poor resistance to environmental changes, recurrent colds and skin defects are cured completely during the Ayurvedic treatment for asthma.
How Ayurvedic doctors approach and plan treatment?
Ayurvedic specialist moves towards the asthma treatment by evaluating the following factors:
1.     Patient’s genetic predisposition.
2.     Patient’s sensitivity to allergens.
3.     Physical body structure that is the patient’s immune status and obesity form.
4.     All the physical current symptoms including the occurrence and intensity of asthma attacks.
5.     Any disturbing aspects in the patient’s life. 

Natural treatment approach
The toxins that are accumulated in the system are eliminated and the nervous system is stabilized. The immune system is also made strong, so that it can handle the stress. Asthma treatment can begin with the understanding of many factors and getting past them.
·         Diet and Digestion: Improper diet is said to trigger asthma because some foods irritate Vata syndrome that sets in high motion or blocks the bodily processes, thus the signs of asthma become worse.
Many foods are hard to digest and cause obstruction in the blood circulation. These foods are probable to create toxins. Foods that can be easily digested produce nutrients that get absorbed by the tissues to restore their strength. Thus to improve our diet and digestion is very important to overcome asthma.
·         Herbs: Appropriate herbal formulas are recommended by doctors to help in the healing treatment by strengthening the digestion and help in purifying the body. The herbs have potent anti-oxidant properties and free radical hunters (free radicals are very irritating and triggers asthma).
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