Wednesday 26 September 2012

Anti Ageing Cream for Youthfulness

Anti Ageing Cream for Youthfulness

These days, various kinds of lotions and creams are used by most of the people to look younger, as they grow older. A very few of us understand that looking young from the outside, is actually being healthy from within. Along with anti ageing cream, a healthy diet also needs to be followed.

Ayurveda contributes to beauty along with healthy body. Concentration on health along with beauty will bring out the best in you is what Ayurveda says. The secret of wellness is developing proper food habits and following a healthy lifestyle. These ancient medical treatments concentrate on health and beauty with sensation, serenity and soothe.

About anti ageing creams

These creams are moisturizer based and they promise a younger looking skin. They help in reducing wrinkles, blemishes, pigmentation, expression lines and much more. Many of the creams show long lasting positive effects while some do not show any effect. Ayurvedic creams have been showing considerable improvements against anti ageing. They have shown great results like wrinkles dissolving away and youthful skin.

The Ayurvedic perspective towards youthfulness

As per the Ayurveda, there are many factors that determine the skin health such as the moisture balance, metabolic functions, efficient blood circulation and many more. The three things that affect the health of your skin are blood, muscle and nutritional fluid. This fluid feeds all body tissues and keeps your skin healthy. The blood serum is associated with the functioning of your liver and they purify the skin. On the other hand, the skin muscle fluid provides firmness to it.

Ayurvedic anti ageing properties

Vayasthapana is an herbal aspect that nourishes your skin and maintains the youthfulness by arresting ageing. Different herbs contribute towards the making of creams like the Gotu kola. It is a renowned anti ageing herb. It also enhances the collagen synthesis. Varnya meaning youthful radiance is another aspect that has the capacity to enhance the glow and brighten the complexion of your skin. It includes various herbs like silk cotton tree, flame of forest, rose petals and Indian redwood.

Sandhanya provides protection from the normal wear and tear. They repair the skin and prove to be the best in anti ageing cream. It repairs damage from climatic conditions, mild scratches, dryness, heat, harmful effects of the sun and much more. Branropana enhances the deep healing ability of your skin. They have the ability to heal the wounds and scars. Twachya supports the overall nourishment of your skin. Silk Cotton tree and Costus are special herbs used in making this medicine. Natural fruit extracts of vitamins are also used to enhance the beauty of your skin.

Twachya provides long term nourishment to your skin. It nourishes your skin’s deep layers. Shothahara is the main ingredient for making an anti ageing cream and it is anti inflammatory. It works against the skin allergies, chemicals and stress.

Protection of skin is very important. Skin is a barrier between our inner body and the polluted environment. Many elements in the environment can cause inflammations to the skin, especially on your face, as it is always exposed to the environment. It’s your face that reflects your health, so ensure you have a flawless skin. 

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