Thursday 6 September 2012

Asthma In Infants – Natural Tips And Home Remedies For Fast Cure

Asthma In Infants – Natural Tips And Home Remedies For Fast Cure

Asthma in infants is the most common respiratory disease of the lungs in which the child will experience difficulty in breathing. This disease can be dangerous if left untreated. The asthma symptoms cannot be easily noticed in kids.

Causes Of Asthma

Asthma in infants may be caused due to sensitivity. It can be triggered due to change in weather conditions and other allergens or irritants in food, or medicines.  
Asthma Symptoms in Both Children and Adults

Few of the symptoms are as follows:

Often Wheezing Problem
Tightening of Chest
Short Breath
Severe Cough
Lack of Hunger
Over Sweating

Home Remedies for Overcoming Asthma

Based on the asthma symptoms there are various home remedies, which can be cured in their initially stages without the usage of any medicine. It has no side effects, as it is made through all the natural ingredients that are easily available in the market. The remedies are as follows:

1. Lime Juice: Take a proportion of 1 tablespoon of water with 2 tablespoon of lime juice twice a day. This is one of the easiest remedy to cure asthma.
2. Natural Paste with Milk: Make a paste by including dates, honey, black raisins and long pepper in equal quantity and mix with warm milk just before consuming. Intake 1 tablespoon of this early morning and at night before going to bed.

3. Garlic Cloves: Take a glass of milk boiled with 8 – 10 cloves of garlic once in a day. This acts as an excellent medicine to cure asthma in the early stage.

4. Bitter Gourd Roots: In the olden days roots of bitter gourd was used as a folk medicine to cure asthma.  Make a paste of bitter gourd roots with some tulsi leaf juice or honey and intake continuously for one month during night. This remedy helps to remove asthma problem permanently.

5. Figs: Soak 3 – 4 figs in warm water during night and eat it early morning with empty stomach. This helps in removing the phlegm and mucus and cures asthma faster.

6. Gooseberry: Make a mix of 500 grams of gooseberries with 1 tablespoon of honey and consume early morning continuously for 1 month. This acts as a useful tonic to treat asthma.

7. Ginger: Make a decoction by adding ginger juice mixed with a cup of fenugreek seeds and water. You can also add a spoon of honey to taste better. Consume this decoction twice a day such as morning and night. This remedy helps to remove mucus from the lungs.

Diet to Control Asthma in Adults
Drink plenty of mineralized or boiled water

Take light food at dinner and avoid over eating during night.

Avoid fruits such as papaya, guava, banana and watermelon.

Avoid acid forming food.

Avoid food that produces phlegm or mucus such as rice, sugar, lentils, rich milk products like thick curds, cheese and others.  

Asthma in infants can be brought under control through natural remedies and diet. It is the responsibility of the adults to oversee the progress in their children. When it comes to infant it is better to take advice from ayurveda specialists and follow the system as suggested by them

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