Thursday 6 September 2012

Treatment For Anxiety in Ayurveda

Ayurveda Offers Natural Remedies for Anxiety

These days, anxiety is leading to many health problems for all the individuals. It is considered amongst several other mental disorders. Increase in blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attack, head ache and many other disorders occur due to anxiety. 

Ayurveda provides various natural herbal remedies, which have shown positive results to many individuals. These natural remedies for anxiety relax your brain and body to a large extent.

Reasons For Anxiety According To Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, people who have high temper, lack of mental stability, perspiration, short self control, indecisiveness and upper body pressure suffer from such kind of disorders.

Ayurveda believes that the destruction of vata is the main cause of anxiousness in a human body. Vatta, pitta and kapha should be balanced well for maintaining a healthy body. 

Treatment For Anxiety in Ayurveda

Various natural remedies for anxiety are mentioned in the Ayurveda. Manomitram is a natural anxiety relief treatment. It consists of ashvagandha, brahmi and other natural herbs for curing an individual suffering from this mental disorder. Sumenta, a tested mixture of ashvagandha and brahmi is also highly recommended by the doctors. These medications are made up of handpicked natural herbs and people who have been using them are quite satisfied with the results.

Ashvagandha successfully helps you get rid of nervousness and stress, both physical and psychological. This herb also reduces the chances of people getting panic attacks. Besides, it helps in strengthening your immune system. In local language, it is often called as Indian ginseng.

It is important to have a good night sleep for beating the stress. It is also considered as the best natural anxiety relief treatment. A good head massage with hair oil and a feet massage with hot herbal oil will give wonderful results.

If you experience anxiety often, then it is suggested that you involve yourself in some kind of physical activity on a daily basis. Yoga and meditation are also recommended along with the Ayurvedic treatments. Perfoeming yoga postures and meditating at least once a day will be very beneficial for you. Performing pranayama and anulom vilom in the open area is also recommended.

Other methods for getting rid of stress

Five grams of saraswata churna with milk is a common natural anxiety relief remedy. Asanviladi can be consumed for removing toxins from the body of an individual. For better results, drink a lot of water throughout the day.

A good and balanced nutritious diet needs be taken by an individual for mental relaxation and stress free life. A protein and vitamin rich diet will top up the treatment chart. Spicy, oily and heavy food items should be avoided. Fresh fruit juices and vegetable soups could be consumed to avoid any other health related issues.

In a nutshell, these natural remedies for anxiety and natural procedures adopted in Ayurveda have successfully helped people out of anxiety. It is said that prevention is always better than cure, and thus, it would be wise if you have self control and do not indulge in any unnecessary tensions. However, these natural remedies are quite safe to use, as they have zero side effects and it can be consumed by anyone. 

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